You've caught all 0 Pokémon!

✨ Impressive! ✨
✨ All of your Pokémon are shiny! ✨

Your entire party is Resistant!

You have caught at least one form of each Pokémon and completed the Pokédex in every available region.

Disable the Show Required Pokémon Only option in the settings to see all missing Pokémon!

# Pokémon
* Click a column header to sort
# Pokémon Attack Base BE BE Obtained Hatched ✨ Obtained ✨ Hatched Defeated EVs EV Bonus
Dungeon Clears DT For All Dungeon Achievements
Dungeon Tokens Spent Remaining DT For All Dungeon Achievements
Most Cleared Dungeons
Incomplete dungeon (fewer than 500 clears)
Total Clears Cost 500 Clears Cost Remaining Cost Total Spent
Incomplete gym (fewer than 1,000 clears)
Incomplete route (fewer than 10,000 defeats)
Impressive. You got all the hints on your own 👏. You're pretty neat.
Impatient (or unlucky) little shit, ain't ye?
Pokemon Wishing Pieces

First calculate will be slower. You must re-calculate after adjusting the above settings.

There are currently 0 Pokémon in the Friend Safari rotation. The rotation takes 0 days to complete.
Date Pokemon

Daily Summary

Dungeon Unown
Alola Island Scan
Boosted Routes
Berry Trades

Current & Upcoming

Next Appearence Anywhere
Unown When Where
Next Appearence In Each Dungeon

Current & Upcoming

Date Time

Next Occurrence

Current & Upcoming

Date Give Receive

Next Occurrence

Item Date Cost

Next Minimum Cost

Pokémon Date Cost

Next Maximum Cost

Pokémon Date Cost
Note that if you are missing other berries you are NOT guaranteed to get an Enigma hint.
Protein Calcium Carbos Total Coins
* Load a save file to view the vitamins your Pokémon currently have
* Above totals do not include vitamins you have already purchased
# Pokémon Native Region Base Attack Attack Bonus Egg Steps Bonus w/ Vitamins Steps w/ Vitamins Breeding Efficiency
Current | Optimal
Additional data must be loaded from your save file. This may take a few seconds.
Active flutes provide a +0.5% typed damage bonus for the Gem types they consume.

Damage calculations include all Pokémon in your party at the current max level. Being in the hatchery or not max level will not affect these calculations.
Enable the Show All Regions / Pokémon setting to see battles from regions you have yet to reach.
Gym Town Region Pokémon Total HP Battle Seconds Seconds To Win Completed?
Pokemon Type HP Damage Per Attack Seconds To Defeat
No data to display. Check above settings.
Enable the Show All Regions / Pokémon setting to see battles from regions you have yet to reach.
Battle Region Pokémon Total HP Battle Seconds Seconds To Win Completed?
Pokemon Type HP Damage Per Attack Seconds To Defeat
No data to display. Check above settings.

Fix common issues with your save file. After a fix is applied a fixed copy of the selected save file will be downloaded. Import the fixed file over your existing file in PokéClicker.

No fixes available at this time.
